Sarah Perez, writing for TechCrunch, has published a detailed set of answers about Apple’s upcoming ‘Sign In with Apple’ feature on iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and to an extent, Android and the web.

The ‘Sign In with Apple’ feature is one of the most exciting announcements to come out of WWDC ’19 for me, and I’m really looking forward to its release. However, I do have a few concerns, all of which still remain unanswered.

  • What happens to your account when you sign out of iCloud and Sign In with another Apple ID?
  • What happens when you want to use a developer’s app on multiple devices that don’t use the same Apple ID?
  • Will Apple allow you to choose/specify a custom email address that is separate from the Apple ID to receive marketing emails from the developers?

I believe that SIWA is a phenomenal new feature and I see a majority of developers adopt this feature for their apps. I just hope that SIWA doesn’t end up being the only Sign In option in apps going forward.

Another password-related bug has been discovered in macOS High Sierra, this time in the App Store Preferences in the

Joe Rossignol, reporting for MacRumors, says:

The security vulnerability means that anyone with administrator-level access to your Mac could unlock the App Store preferences and enable or disable settings to automatically install macOS updates, app updates, system data files, and, ironically, even security updates that would fix a bug like this one.

This sounds really embarrassing for Apple, but this is far from being a major bug. First, the App Store preferences are unlocked by default for admin users — and it doesn’t work for/affects the non-admin users. Additionally, if anyone with malicious intent has admin access to your Mac, there’s a lot worse that is possible. That’s not to say that this bug shouldn’t be taken seriously. Apple has already fixed this bug in the beta of its upcoming High Sierra release.

I’d love to join Apple’s QA team. Seriously!