Gedeon Maheux, writing for The Iconfactory:

Now you can advertise your app, website, product or service directly on Twitterrific’s expansive network of tech-savvy users for just $100 a month. For that price we guarantee 1,000 tap-throughs – not impressions but actual visits – to your App Store page or website. What’s more, we take care of creating the ad for you ourselves and even provide App Analytics for iOS or Google Analytics for websites.

Twitterrific is one of the most lovingly crafted apps out there, and the folks at The Iconfactory are a bunch of incredibly passionate folks. The ads in Twitterrific are actually something you want to see and work as refreshing change from the usually clutter spreading like a parasite across the web.

If you’re an app developer, you should go check out The Twitterrific Ad Network here.

Twitterrific’s New Facial Recognition Feature

A couple of days ago, The Iconfactory released version 5.12.1 of Twitterrific, the popular Twitter app for iOS. A subtle yet brilliant new feature introduced in this release is the facial recognition feature for the rich media previews in the timeline. Allow me to elaborate what this is with a couple of screenshots:

I tweeted out something today with a link and an attached photo. Here’s how that tweet looks in the official Twitter app: 

and here’s how the same tweet looks in the new Twitterrific:

Twitterrific 5.12.1 makes use of the Facial Recognition API in iOS to detect faces in any previews on your timeline and crops them so that the faces are always in focus. It’s a small addition, but makes a big impact to your timeline.

It’s the little details like these that have an immense effect on the overall delight that an app gives you. Twitterrific was already a fantastic Twitter app for iOS and didn’t need to add this feature, but now that they have, I wish this was default in every app out there. 

Twitterrific is available for Free on the App Store.