The ongoing London 2012 Olympic games have been fantastic so far and much has been said about its coverage, particularly what NBC has been doing. But being in India, I’ve been enjoying the games thanks to ESPN HD Channel’s live coverage and this excellent Olympic channel on YouTube. I am really liking the way the events are managed and covered.
Today, I came across a bunch of these brilliant Twitter accounts that tweet out camera photos from 6 events, along with often hilarious comments. They use Twitter’s own photo uploading service, so the photos should be viewable inline in most modern Twitter clients these days.
- @l2012poolcam
Pool Camera — Tweets out underwater photos from all the swimming pool based events.
- @l2012tablecam
Table Tennis Camera — Tweets out overhead shots from all the table-tennis events.
- @l2012stadiumcam
Stadium Camera — Will be tweeting out photos from all the track and field based events.
- @l2012matcam
Mat Camera — Tweets out overhead shots from all the mat based events, like Judo.
- @l2012pgymcam
Gymnastics Camera — Tweets out photos from the gymnastic events.
- @l2012bballcam
Basketball Camera — Tweets out overhead shots from basketball events.
My favorite one from the list is the pool camera, which has tweeted out some really great pictures already. There are also these 36 accounts that are automated to tweet out results as soon as they’re updated.
What a brilliant way to utilize Twitter.