Panic Will Be Renaming the Next Version of Coda

Yesterday, Panic revealed on Twitter that they have renamed Coda — their wonderful text-editor — as Coda by Panic, after working with the folks at Coda — a new kind of productivity document.

?❔ Many of you noticed a new Coda on the scene — a reimagined document that just launched at — and were concerned about their name. Thanks for looking out for us! We’ve worked with them and resolved the collision — they are Coda and it’s ok.

But then, Panic also revealed that the next big version of Coda, to be released sometime in 2019, will likely be called something else altogether.

?❕ The big twist: that also means the massive update to Panic’s Coda currently in the works will not be called Coda!!? (It actually makes a lot of sense — it really is a whole new app.) We’ll post some details on this exciting new thing in a few weeks. 2019 is gonna be fun!

I have been using Coda as my primary code-editor, website manager, and all-in-one web development suite for several years now and absolutely love it. I can’t wait to hear more about this upcoming release and rebranding.

Nick Heer points out that this was something Panic had already teased in their 2017 company report:

To catch up to today, we had to take a dramatic step. We’ve been informally calling it Coda Next during production. (We may even rebrand the product entirely, since it’s a dramatic step forward from today’s Coda.)

Nick goes on to say:

Call me crazy, but “Coda Next” — or, even better, just “Next” — sounds great as the name of a truly next-generation web development environment for Mac users.

I agree. I like the name “Next”.